Forms Anthology: Call for Submissions
Beth Gylys and Dustin Brookshire are delighted to announce a call for submissions for their forthcoming co-edited forms anthology to be published by Harbor Anthologies in October 2024.
What we are looking for:
Forms. We want your villanelles, sestinas, duplexes, ghazals, pantoums, erasures (black out poems), centos, sonnets, rondels, golden shovels, odes, and prose poems. Impress us with your strictest use of the form, but also dazzle us with broken form. One of our goals is to provide a wide variety of examples of each form, from those that adhere strictly to the parameters to those that turn the form on its nose.
Do’s to consider: Our motto is that a form and its subject should marry in such a way that they feel meant to be. Whether rigidly adherent to a traditional form or taking a form off the rails in some way, convince us that the poem you’ve written is inextricably linked to how you’ve written it.
Previously published poems will be considered; please provide information on where the poem first appeared and be certain that you retain rights to your work.
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be sent via email to In the subject line, please include your first and last name followed by each form that is included in your submission. (Please list the forms in the order that they appear in your submission.)
An individual poet may only submit one submission of no more than 8 poems in one Microsoft Word document. (PDFs will also be accepted; however, please note submissions in Microsoft Word are preferred.)
Do not submit poems pasted in the body of an email.
An individual poet’s submission can be a blend of forms or all one form.
A submission packet should not exceed 20 pages.
Poems should be single spaced and in Times New Roman font.
The Microsoft Word document should be named as the poet’s first and last name. Each page of the submission should include the poet’s name.
Please include a brief 50 word max bio in the body of your email.
All submissions must be received by 11:59pm (EST) on July 15, 2023
Contributors will receive one copy of the anthology as payment for the acceptance of their work.
About the editors:
Beth Gylys (she/her) is an award-winning poet and Distinguished Professor at Georgia State University. Her fifth book of poems (a collaboration with the poets Cathy Carlisi and Jennifer Wheelock), The Conversation Turns to Wide-Mouth Jars, was published in August 2022 and recently named a Book All Georgians Should Read in 2023. Her fourth collection, Body Braille, also received that honor in 2021. Her third collection Sky Blue Enough to Drink was chosen as finalist for the Georgia Author of the Year. She has also published two chapbooks, Balloon Heart (winner of the Sam Quentin chapbook prize) and Matchbook and has another chapbook (After My Father) forthcoming. Awarded a MacDowell Fellowship and residencies in Spain and France, she has published poems in many journals and anthologies including the Kenyon Review, Boston Review, the New Republic, Ploughshares, the Southern Review and the Best American Poetry blog. A cat lover (who resides in Atlanta with her 18-pound rescue kitty, Mr. Argus Possum-puss--Argus) and a runner who hasn’t met a pizza she didn’t like, her husband Tom, who teaches Hinduism and Buddhism at Mercyhurst University, lives in Pennsylvania with their recently adopted 11- year-old Labrador retriever and their 14-year-old cranky Siamese cat.
Dustin Brookshire (he/him) is the author of the chapbooks Never Picked First For Playtime (Harbor Editions, 2023), Love Most Of You Too (Harbor Editions, 2021) and To The One Who Raped Me (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2012). He is the co-editor of Let Me Say This: A Dolly Parton Poetry Anthology (Madville Publishing, 2023). His work has earned him both a Pushcart and Best of the Net nomination and has been published in numerous publications and anthologized in Divining Divas: 100 Gay Men on their Muses (Lethe Press, 2012) and The Queer South: LGBTQ Writes on the American South (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014). Dustin is the curator of the Wild & Precious Life Series, founder/editor of Limp Wrist, founding chapter president of the South Florida Poets (a chapter of the Florida State Poetry Association), program director for Reading Queer, and a founding member of FLAWN (Florida Local Artist & Writers Network). Find him online at